CSD - Register For Training
Upcoming Classes

If you want to register to attend any of the upcoming classes, please login with your district provided credentials to continue!

Trainings are first come, first serve! Registration ends when the maximum number of students is reached or the day before the training.

Trainings are posted as they are scheduled. For more information about classes, please visit http://cnyns.org/TechnologyPD. Click the gray box to the left of the class to view additional information about the course. Some courses allow for open enrollment, and are not limited to a class size, like the courses on this site. Please visit http://edtech.canyonsdistrict.org/technology-pd.html#openenroll to enroll for those courses.

If you are experiencing problems with online registration, please call the help desk at 801-826-5544 and someone will assist you.

Date Time Title Location Max Stu Registered Action
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